August 2018 Project Update – Sad News…

I am posting sad news.

Based on information we received in the past few days, we are suspending our full-time efforts in pursuit of the donation of the USS John F Kennedy. (See details below).

Instead, we will redouble our efforts to develop a land-based facility at the former Quonset Point Naval Air Station, which would incorporate museums and memorials for the USS John F Kennedy and USS Saratoga, as well as a permanent home for the RI Aviation Hall of Fame.

At the same time we will keep a pilot light lit in hopes that a permanent mooring solution may arise prior to the day that CV-67 is towed away to be scrapped. (From past experience, we believe that date is years in the future.)


Despite the Navy’s announcement earlier this year of their plans to dismantle JFK, we continued to work behind the scenes to develop an alternative berthing location and plan that would be solid enough to return CV-67 to donation status.

Last November, we were approached in confidence by representatives of a Fortune 500 company. We were told that this company had a potential mooring location available, along with enough acreage to support the parking and infrastructure we would need. Over the next three months, supported by donations to the Engineering Fund, we worked with their engineers to develop a conceptual proposal. We presented that proposal to this company at the end of February.

We were initially encouraged by the positive feedback we received at the regional level. However, communication dried up by early summer, and last week we received word that this company had shelved the JFK proposal while they evaluated other uses for their site.

There is still a chance that at some point down the road this company will reconsider the JFK option. However, we can no longer sustain full-time pursuit of the carrier with the chances of success being so slim.

While the fat lady has not yet sung, she is clearing her throat and we must accept that reality.

Rhode Island Aviation Hall of Fame, Inc. (RIAHOF) has fought for eight years to bring USS JFK to Narragansett Bay. Even if the Navy continues with its plans to dismantle CV-67, we do not plan to give up and walk away. To do so would be a slap in the face to the volunteers who have worked more than one hundred thousand hours in pursuit of this goal–to say nothing of the many contributors from all over the country and the world who have helped keep this dream alive with their donations.

If we are unable to save the ship named JFK, we must find another way to honor all the JFK sailors who served so honorably in her. It would be foolhardy for us to just give up and allow all those years of hard work and all the money spent so far to simply go down the drain with nothing to show for it. Rhode Island Aviation Hall of Fame, Inc. fully intends to accomplish its mission of preserving our naval and aviation history, and if one means of doing that is closed off to us, we must find another.

The Foundation’s non-profit mission was (and still is) to develop a world-class family attraction, education center, job training facility and memorial. Our fallback solution is to develop a land-based facility that will accomplish that mission.

In that facility we plan to allocate significant space for a USS John F Kennedy museum and memorial, as well as a permanent home for the RI Aviation Hall of Fame and a commemoration of all US Navy vessels bearing the name Saratoga.

We have collected a wealth of memorabilia and artifacts over the years, and we firmly believe that it would be criminal to allow that material to sit in a warehouse to deteriorate, away from the public eye.

While Rhode Island Aviation Hall of Fame works its way through this transition, the infrastructure we have built up over the years will continue to grow and serve our community. At the same time we will continue  to work with  the various organizations that have partnered with us over the years.

The bottom line is that our non-profit cause (and entity) will continue on for the foreseeable future. RIAHOF, in conjunction with our sister entity, the USS Saratoga Museum Foundation, will also continue to operate many of the other worthy projects launched over the past several years—to include a number of our educational initiatives.

— Frank Lennon


  1. I served on Big John from Commissioning Day to 1970, while she was still known as CVA-67. Not yet reconstituted to CV-67.

    This actually hurts and pains me to say but if this project were for the benefit of some current big named political person or for some REASON, there would NOT be a problem. It would be PUSHED through to completion.

    What the hell is wrong with you people? ANGRY? You bet!

    Now that I am an older man,in my 70’s, I can say almost with complete certainty that this disastrous end, sadly resulting in complete project failure, is Typical US Gov’t SNAFU!

    Allen J Pollick MM3 A-1 Division
    USS JFK CVA 67
    Out of Norfolk, VA

  2. I served aboard the John F. Kennedy ( CV 67 ) in Attack Squadron VA 105 – the gunslingers around October 1980 to 1982.

  3. Is anyone with evern half-a-brain, really, surprised that the cement-jungle, high-taxes-but-always-broke, crimes-infested, liberals-run-for-100s-of-years, northeast-U.S.-liberals-infested city known as Boston cannot —nor will not— even try to find the solution’s to save close to his presidential library— the ship named for one of its alltime favorite son’s, = Our aircraft carrier, U.S.S. John F. Kennedy?!!? …. It speaks volumes about spiraling-steadily-downward Boston, and if Our ship is not saved + museum’d there, it will, also, forever, be to revealing Boston’s transparent, continuing shame!!!!

  4. I did 2 tours on Big John 76-79 and 83-86. It is a special ship for me. It was the last carrier that could be turned into a museum. All carriers after JFK are Nukes and they won’t become museums. It is sad to see the Navy department can’t just let the association have the ship. It’s namesake was a legacy and left this earth too soon. I hope a miracle happens and he ship can find a home instead of be turned in to razor blades.

  5. Is there or is there not a California Oregon Washington naval History in aviation museum or Hawaii naval History in aviation museum

  6. Mr. Lennon,
    I served on “Big John” from 1987-1990 in M Div. 2MMR. I have read the replies. There seems to be a way to make the JFK stay alive, but in Florida. I am not a big fan of Florida but I am A big fan of my ship. So I think you should get in touch with the Dr. and lets do this. I am sorry that RI fell through and I understand why RI wants her there. But let us join together and save JFK. Please consider and let me know. Thank you, Kevin E. Curtiss USNR Vet. MM3 and FM&AM lodge #265 Farmington NC.

  7. As I said in the beginning, I would be honored to be able to assist in any way possible, if the JFK can be saved (docent, guide, etc. ) Served on her in E Division 84-88
    2 side notes:
    I found, on YouTube, a 10 part series about CV61, which I also served on This was an awesome effort. Could the same be done for the JFK?
    Also, since the JFK was one-of-a-kind (Alllmost Nuke powered) there was a LOT of open space in Aux machinery… Anyone remember the MASSIVE Mural on the wall? and, did anyone get a picture of it?

    Anyway, Fair Winds and Following seas,
    EM1 Patrick McCarthy

  8. If the future for the JFK is imminent is there any possibility that her “island” can be removed and transported as a fixture in Rhode island? Some is better than none…

    Wes Delware
    JFK 1993-1995

  9. I was at the PNSY yesterday, and they have a crane up over Kennedy. Along with workers going aboard to prep her for dismantling.

  10. I am very sad to hear the scrapping of the JFK. The ship I served on from 1973 to 1976. John F. Kennedy was my hero growing up as a kid. I was so honored to be stationed on Big John my 3 years. I meet so many wonderful people and made a lifetime of memories.

    1. This is Absolutely Horrible, my Dad served on the JFK from 71 to 78 his last ship before retiring after 26 1/2 years of Service. I really was looking forward to seeing this project and the possibilities of what it was going to accomplish. I remember as a little kid looking forward to the days that Big John would bring my Dad home, I want to see her one last time if this will be her fate……this deeply saddens me

  11. Mr Lennon…

    I live just 20 minutes South of PNSY, and service some of the systems there… so I see my old ship all the time. I did the artwork on the EMO Branch door, which was also made into a patch I still have on a jacket. I have tried several times to get permission to go aboard and get a photo of the door I painted, but no luck there. Was wondering if you might have one. EMO Branch door is on the 03 level, under the island, right next to the Captain’s Passageway. I hope the JFK finds a permanent home, it would be heartbreaking to see her be scrapped.

  12. There are still plenty of us former CV-67 crew members(Electricians Mate 1978-1981) who could make it happen as far as participating in establishing normal living conditions etc. that would be required during movement & permanent mooring pier side somewhere on the East Coast. So “Don’t Give Up the SHIP”, lets get the information about all the prior effort that has gone into several attempts to preserve the legacy of our great United States Navy conventional super carrier fleet.
    THIS Is WORTH the effort as nothing is ever easy when reaching for greatness….
    EM1 Dolby ….

  13. Hi Frank,
    My father served in the navy and was aboard the JFK during the NATO cruise in 1976 (I still have his jacket!). I am hoping soon that we can save this ship and that I can finally have a chance to see it in person.

  14. Mr. Lennon, this isn’t just a slap in the face of Kennedy veterans. Saratoga and all the other carrier veterans that the Navy’s Admirals don’t care about are also sad. I think there are Admirals and DoD civilians who do not want ANY of the carriers saved.

  15. Mr. Lennon,
    Looking for pictures of bow cat door on JFK. I sent an email on it and would appreciate pictures of it. A. Lion in a green sweat shirt with an A7 in Slingshot. A A7:on deck, F14 flying overhead with a helo flying SAR. I am the artist and would appreciate the pictures for my family.

    Jon Lyons(Rm2AW/Retired)

  16. I still wish you could find a way to save JFK. Galveston Island or Texas City Dyke would be ideal year round.
    Don’t let them melt down such a great unique vessel to make paper clips!

  17. Wow, this is devastating not only for the volunteers, but for all who served on JFK. I can’t believe how little the Navy cares about its history and legacy. It’s also sad that the only carrier museums are WWII era. No Forrestals or Kitty Hawks. There will never be even a chance for a nuke carrier to be a museum. Look at the cost and complexity of disposing of the Enterprise. I’m guessing the Kennedy family support has been tacit since CVN-79 was announced to carry on the JFK name.

  18. My husband was stationed on the USS JFK and I was really looking forward seeing the carrier that he served on and was planning a trip from Mississippi to see it. Is there any
    way that anyone is allowed to see the ship? I surely hope that the project is able to continue. Sincerely, Dani Cowart

    1. doesn’t look good for our ship. If you want to see her, she is moored at the former Philadelphia Naval Yard, now owned by the city of Philadelphia. You can drive “on base” and drive right up to her and see her….very impressive! You can’t board her, but standing there looking up at her…….awesome! I spent a year on her (1972) attached to the air wing, in RVAH-14 as a plane captain. Hope this helps.

  19. I have a Shaft Ally Hatch Brass Hand Wheel from 1988 Repair off the Kennedy
    Put the new one on and took the old one home.
    The DCPO of the day for my Div said to throw it out after putting a New one on.

  20. I’m hoping the fat lady does not sing on this project. My father served on the USS JFK, and it would be something in coming years to take him back and to see this ship with him and with my own eyes, The stories he tells me can only be told not see. Good luck and keep fighting.

  21. Is it money? If the answer is yes then I have a plan that I can put in place to get funding. How much money is needed? While a museum is nice, it is no carrier named JFK.

    A very short answer to my questions is all I need.

    Thanks for your response in advance.

    1. You should absolutely give me a call!
      Service on Big John
      Also have a plan to Memorialize CV-67!
      Big money to keep it alive !
      Give me a ASAP call to set things in motion!
      I’m glad the RI project fell through
      We really need to talk, don’t see any difficulties

    2. No; will generate millions of dollars per month.
      I’m a qadurple Board Certified Physcian and real eastate Investor in Florida , (a rarity).This is a straight proposition, but need multiple imputs.
      Look me up on internet, but most companies are in private trust.
      Cell phone 941-321-8919

  22. I have no doubt that the hard work of Frank Lennon, his Board, and all the volunteers is not in vain. The Foundation has already contributed to the community and it will continue to do so together with solid partners who will help us reach the next step and bring us closer to showcasing RIAHOF’s amazing collection and honoring all the service men and women who made the Saratoga and the JFK memorable.

  23. Frank, I am sorry to hear the news. I do understand the stumbling blocks that are in the road to saving our beloved ships, having gone through the same system of disappointments trying to save the America. I wish you all the best with your mission.

    Tom Tramantano, Sr.
    USS America Carrier Veteran’s Assoc.

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