At the recent reunion held in Norfolk, JFK Project leader Frank Lennon received a warm reception from former crew members eager to learn about progress in our efforts to bring “Big John” to Rhode Island. Many asked what they could do to help bring this dream to fruition.
As a first step, we need to reach out to the 70,000 or so sailors, marines and air crew who served aboard USS John F. Kennedy. So far we have good contact information on only a tiny fraction of those shipmates.
One way to do that is to establish a network of JFK sailors in every state and large city in the nation. We would provide supplies, information and guidance to this team, who would then reach out in their own local areas to spread the word and identify more shipmates.
Several of you at the reunion volunteered to serve in that capacity, and we will be getting more information out to you shortly.
If you are interested in helping out in this way, please contact us using the site’s form, or call HQ at (401) 398-1000.
I served on JFK from 1967 (precom) to 1969 and very sorry I missed the 50 year reunion but very interested in helping out. Let me know what I can do to help.