March 2018 JFK Project Update

USS JFK Sunset to Norfolk
As we have posted on our Facebook page and our website, we are working behind the scenes to develop an alternative berthing location and plan that is solid enough to return CV-67 to donation status.
Once that plan is developed we will have a specific proposal to promote, and that’s when we hope to coordinate fundraising efforts, emails, letters and petitions.
We are concerned that a premature petition would not have enough gravity, because it would not be asking for something specific. Asking the Navy to “save JFK” without a viable plan to do so will not have the desired effect.
Please give us time to solidify a plan that will allow us to move forward from a position of strength. (I would hope to announce next steps in as few as 30 days.)
-Frank Lennon, President


We are very grateful to the 61 people who have contributed $3,580 so far to the fund we established to develop that alternative berthing plan – thank you!
We also know that there are far more than 61 people who have a sincere interest in seeing this project through.
The expressions of support and encouragement that you have posted on Facebook and on our website are gratifying. However, the reality is that those good wishes and “attaboys” will not be enough by themselves to get the project through this challenging time. If you haven’t already, please do consider a tangible contribution—just click on this link to donate.


  1. I will get a prominent display area for the USS JFK at the inter harbor in Baltimore if you are willing to work with me to save the ship

  2. The USS John F Kennedy is an enigma in itself because it was meant to be a Kitty Hawk class carrier—then it was also meant to be nuclear powered. This resulted in it becoming the only ship in its class

    I’m stating this to say it was unique ship. None of the Cold War carriers were saved to become museums. I know we have the USS Midway in San Diego, but she was built in the 1940s (modified in the 50s & 60s)

    The “so called supercarriers” that were built in the 1950s & 60s were a major leap forward in design (Forrestal, Saratoga, Ranger, Independence, Kitty Hawk, Constellation, Enterprise, America, Kennedy). They all were built with angle decks and were 1000 feet plus in length (a design that has virtually remained unchanged for the more modern Nimitz class)

    The Kennedy was the last conventionally (non nuclear) powered carrier in service. It’s presently moored at the very end of S 16th St at the former Phila Naval Shipyard. You park within a block from it and walk down to the pier. It Isn’t accessible for boarding.

    It would really be a shame to lose this one too. Just my take on the situation.

    Leon J Guisburg AMS3 USN 1975-1979

  3. I hope to see this project go through. I would love to visit my old ship. I live in Florida and plan to visit the museum once it opens.

  4. It’s obvious the navy really doesn’t have any intention of going ahead with a museum. It’s roadblock after roadblock. Not for anything maybe if we got the potus lnvolved something would give. He’s seems to be the only one to get anything done JFK is the last one that could be used as a museum The navy should be ashamed of themselves. A lot of good people put a lot of time and effort into this

  5. I just saw a post that the ship yard has announced that Kennedy will be open for stripping by museums in Sept 2018. What does that mean for the ship and the hopes of saving Big John

  6. Have contributed on many occasions at RI Air National Guard Open House every year. diffenatly want to see this carrier in Newport. We Lost the bid for the Saratoga don’t lose this one.

    1. Dear Mr. Taylor,
      As was explained when the project transitioned more than 8 years ago, there was no money left over, though we were able to utilize many of the economic and environmental studies that the Saratoga Project started. The Saratoga effort cost far more than was raised (in and not a penny went to executive or management salaries). In fact, the leaders of the project dug into their own pockets and advanced more than $150,000 to cover the shortfall. Many of the monies promised to the project were pledges, contingent on acquisition of the ship, so were never fulfilled. We have extensive plans to honor the USS Saratoga and all who served on her with a prominent display on board the USS JFK.

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